Ads for the Sex Party

I’ve just authored three ads for the Australian Sex Party. Click the photo to see the full ad or the text links below the photo for versions II and III.

What to say to your Labor mates

What to say to your hippie friends

Advertising should fit the personality of the brand and the Australian Sex Party doesn’t take itself quite as seriously as the established parties. Not expecting the other parties to use humour all that much so it stakes out territory and appeals to those who find the adversarial thing a bit of a drone.

In those millions of pre-election conversations about to occur in workplaces and homes, very few people will put their hand up and say “I’m voting Sex Party”. We’re reminding people here that nobody sees who they vote for in the final analysis.

We’re also doing two other things in the ad; visually legitimising a vote for the party by showing a Sex Party vote on a ballot paper and we’re explaining that socially enlightened people are under-represented in parliament. If parliament is to represent average Australian values, we need to offset the current pre-dominance of religious, socially conservative politicians. Let’s shake things up a bit :p



  1. Great. On target. Simple, which is always best.

  2. Good idea to target people pro-porn. Do you do any other pro-bono ads?

  3. Could be persuaded for a good cause but tied up for next couple of months. Would also consider paid work.

  4. Hahahaha, now these would have been fun to hand out. Wait at the end of the line of party volunteers, look for who each voter gives the most positive reaction to and then hand them the most appropriate card. ๐Ÿ™‚

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